Orthodontic issues to treat
Every one of us has a slightly different orthodontic problem that needs correcting. For some of us, the issue may require complex orthodontic treatment; for others, a minor correction might be all that’s required.
Here are 10 of the most common types of orthodontic problems.

One of the most common orthodontic problems is crowding. This occurs when teeth have to fight for space and results in crooked and overlapping teeth.

The opposite of crowding is spacing when teeth can’t fill the amount of space available. This can result in big gaps between teeth.

Protrusion refers to the condition where top front teeth sit out more than is normal. This can also leave a big gap between the front top and bottom teeth.

Reverse bite
The opposite of protrusion is a reverse bite. This refers to the condition where the bottom front teeth sit out more than normal. This means the bottom teeth will sit in front of the top teeth when you bite. This may also be known as an underbite or lower jaw protrusion.

Open bite
Open bite refers to the condition when the top and bottom teeth do not meet when you bite. This can result in a gap between the front top and bottom teeth. An open bite can also affect back teeth.
Overjet is a condition where the front top teeth sit out and over the top of the lower front teeth. This can result in a horizontal gap between the sets of front teeth.
A crossbite occurs when one or more of the lower teeth sit outside the upper teeth, usually along the side of your jaw.
Deep bite
The opposite of an openbite, a deep bite occurs when the top front teeth cover almost all the lower front teeth when you bite. This is also known as an overbite.
Tooth wear
Tooth wear can also be caused by the conditions mentioned above where the teeth or the jaws are not in the ideal position.
Periodontal disease
Periodontal disease refers to disease of the gums. This can be in the form of inflammation, also known as gingivitis, or more serious conditions that affect the bone and tissue of the gums.
Start your journey to a beautiful new smile
Ready to find out which type of braces would be best for you? Search for your nearest TIO member clinic and book an initial consultation with them. Your chosen orthodontist will be able to advise you which braces will achieve the best results.